Comprehensive Manual on Completing a Research Paper on Data Structure

A research paper is used to explore and identify different social, technical and scientific issues. If this is the first time you have been asked to write a research paper it can be a very daunting task. However, if you are focused, determined and open to learning new concepts you will be able to write a very good research paper. There are several stages in the writing process; here is a guide to writing a research paper.

  • Choose a topic: The first step in the process will involve choosing research paper topics on data structure. It is essential that when you choose a topic you choose one that you are interested in. Depending on your level of study, a research paper can be quite long in length and if you are not interested in the subject that you are writing about you will find it very difficult to write a quality paper. When you are choosing your topic you will need to keep a few questions in the forefront of your mind:
    • Is there enough background research available on the subject for me to write a substantial paper?
    • Is the topic unique and new enough that I can contribute fresh opinions to the field of study?
  • Be Authentic: If you want to get a good grade, you are going to have to be authentic. Think about it like this. Your tutor is going to have to read a large amount of papers on the same subject. There should be something about your paper that really stands out to the reader. Here are some ways you can make your paper original:
    • Use research sources that are outside of the reading material
    • Use interesting facts and quotes
    • Provide your opinion of some of the concepts and theories through a critical analysis
  • Research: There are several ways that you can conduct research; however, you will need to make sure that all the information that you use are all from authoritative sources. Before you include it as your research make sure that you ask your tutor for advice. You will also need to find out how many primary and secondary sources you will need to use.
  • Start Writing: Now that you know what your topic is going to be and you have collected your research materials you can start with the writing process. Since you have all the information that you need, this is the easiest part, your paper should include the following:
    • Introduction: This is generally written last; however, it’s the most important part of the paper. The introduction lets your reader know what the essay is going to be about.
    • The main body: This is where you expand on your main argument.
    • Conclusion: This is the last part of the essay and you will need to tie everything together in this section.